A woman approached asking for directions to the train station. I politely gave her the best route to get to her destination. She was very pleasant, an older lady, probably Japanese. We chatted briefly about the beautiful autumn day we were having. She thanked me then turned away and walked toward the crosswalk. Suddenly she stopped and said " Officer, you have a very powerful force protecting you. I can feel it from here." She then walked closer, touched my arm, and smiled. She walked away without another word.
At first I was baffled, then intrigued. "What was that?" I thought. Police officers encounter many unique people during the course of the day but this was a new one. What did she mean?
It made me start thinking about the night my partner and I were looking for a gunman in an alley. I was checking trash cans, garage doors, and deeply shadowed gangways. Out of the darkness behind me came a voice, "You got me, office." Every hair on my head stood on end as I turned. The armed offender had his hands in the air . The gun was on the ground between us. I called to my partner and we took him into custody. I had walked right past a man who had earlier fired into a crowd at a block party. He easily could have executed me and possibly my partner. He later said I had looked straight at him so he gave up.
On another night, right after roll call, my partner said his wife had a bad dream about us and asked if we could lay low that tour. You know , just handle our assigned jobs and not look for trouble. I had gotten a sudden chill and agreed to heed his wife's warning. We stayed safe that night. Both of us heaving a huge sigh of relief at the end of the night. Actually, there seemed to be several very audible sighs coming from around the locker room. Every body went home to their families that night.
Have YOU ever heard that voice saying "be careful tonight"? You listened, right?
Here I am many years later, still in one piece. That powerful force felt by that woman so long ago has never left me. It has never left you!
I have to believe that a good and strong force protects all of us who strive to stay in the light as we do battle against the darkness that is crime and evil.
For this help, I thank the power above us that helps a copper or two make it to retirement and beyond. We appreciate it.
I believe in the "force" or "spirt" or "God's will". You can call it many things depending if you are a religiuos person. I listen to that strong thought or gut feeling. I am sure it protected me many times. Native Americans believe in "guides", I will listen to anything that will help me along my path. Some people believe that might be strange but after 23 plus years on the streets, you haven't seen strange, like I have seen strange....